Stop wondering how to get consistent inquiries you're actually excited about...

and start booking out your wedding calendar with dream clients every. single. month. 

Stop trying every piece of free advice you see on your IG feed. It’s time to follow a strategic blueprint to book your dream clients on repeat & finally make the profit you need without hustling 24/7. 


The Booked Up Blueprint
for Wedding Photographers

use code SAVE100

If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that you’re more than capable of creating a profitable wedding photography business

But if you’ve constantly been putting off trying new strategies because it feels like you’ve tried them all without the results you crave, then keep reading because this program Was created for you! 

I know you’d love nothing more than to wake up every day to multiple inquiries + signed contracts in your inbox.

You’ve already poured so much time and energy into different strategies like:
✔ Downloading all the freebies that promised you how to scale your wedding business 
✔ Posting a million reels each week because of that dang instagram algorithm 
✔ Raising your prices because you saw someone you follow tell you to “charge your worth” all for you to drop them back down after you got ghosted. 

Here’s what you might not know...those tactics haven’t worked because  you’re jumping from strategy to strategy and taking advice from people who have their own version of success in mind, not yours.

IN THE BOOKED UP BLUEPRINT, I'M GOING TO share proven strategies that have allowed me to BOOK more DREAM CLIENTS, INCREASE MY profit, and GET more time back in my personal life.

Imagine your business when you…

✔ Wake up to dream inquiries in your inbox every single week
✔ Show up confidently to your consult calls and book your dream clients on repeat
✔ Price yourself with a value that makes you jump for joy when a client books with you 
✔ Are booked up a year in advance and no longer feeling the stress of “how am I going to make more money?”
✔ Get more weekends and evenings back so you can actually spend quality time with your loved ones 

Isn't this what you've been dreaming of?! Ready to turn it into a reality?

yes, please! Sign me up!

Think about how good it would feel to never wonder HOW YOU'RE GOING TO BOOK UP YOUR WEDDING CALENDAR again!

No more…

✔ Saying yes to clients you aren’t excited about just for the money
✔ Getting ghosted by the dream clients you actually want to work with
✔ Months with zero free weekends and missing out on big moments with friends and family
✔ Spinning your wheels and juggling it all just to make ends meet (side note: is what you’re making really worth all the work you’ve been putting in?)

YOU'VE BEEN DREAMING OF Creating a booked up wedding photography business that still allows you time to be an amazing wife, mom, and friend for SO long…

but taking action feels so hard especially when you’ve already tried so many things that just haven’t given you the results you’re looking for.

But that’s about to change.

(Yes, even if you feel like you’ve already tried everything)

Creating the business you dream of just became a whole lot easier with The Booked Up Blueprint!

Instead, you’ll create a booming business that that fits into your own version of success and the life you envision for yourself.

  Allow me to introduce…

The Booked up blueprint
for wedding photographers

The 3 month coaching program that will show you exactly how to get more inquiries hitting your inbox, book more dream clients, and make your business more profitable

This program contains only the info you need to book up your wedding calendar and nothing you don’t. I stripped down the process and pulled out the pivotal pieces that have transformed my business over the years and allowed me to go from spinning my wheels + making ends meet → to profitable + thriving


use code SAVE100

proof it works


watch below to hear for yourself what this program can do for your business!

Let’s break it down

Here's what’s waiting for you inside
The booked up blueprint

Module 1: Get More Inquiries HITTING Your Inbox!

Module 2: booking weddings on repeat

Module 3: PRICING for your version of success

✔ Recorded Video Lessons
In these lessons I’m giving you the exact steps to price for profit, get more dream inquiries in your inbox, convert more inquiries into paid clients, and learn exactly how to create the dream business (and life) you’ve been wanting! 

✔ 2 Live Group Coaching Calls Each Month for the duration of the program
As you go through the lessons on your portal, I'll be answering your questions in real time on the group coaching calls so you can move through what's keeping you stuck and receive support from both me and a community of other photographers!

✔ 1:1 Support inside our private chat community
I'll respond to questions Monday-Thursdays so you can keep moving forward as you are working through and crushing the video lessons 

Personal Reviews of your website + pricing guide
So you'll know for certain that you are actually talking to your dream clients

✔ Marketing and Sales Strategies
No more wondering where your next inquiry will come from or being too scared to take a social media break. These strategies are the exact ones I’ve used to create a thriving business and book out my wedding calendar, even during "slow booking seasons."

In this module, you'll learn how to speak directly to your dream clients while learning new marketing techniques to get consistent inquiries each week! (and no, I won't just tell you to post more reels on ig)

In this module, you'll learn exactly what to do and say every step of the way from inquiry to leading the consult call and booking your dream clients.  You'll never be scared of selling again!

In this module, you'll learn how to price yourself intentionally, craft the perfect offer for your dream clients, and grow your profit in your business!

Lesson 1: Attracting Dream Clients through Messaging
Lesson 2: Marketing Strategies to Implement NOW
Lesson 3: Working Smarter, Not Harder

Lesson 4: Follow-Up Workflow & Showing Your Value
Lesson 5:  Leading Consult Calls with Confidence
Lesson 6: Booking Made Easy to Get the "Yes!"

Lesson 7: Revenue Planning Pricing with Intention
Lesson 8: Strategically Raise Your Prices 
Lesson 9: Crafting the Perfect Offers

Plus, these epic bonuses! 

When you enroll now, you’ll get exclusive access to:


consult call script

Most people hate ‘selling’ but the art of closing the sale is knowing exactly what to say (and what not to say). This script is proven to convert and has helped other photographers increase their closing rate and book their highest packages!



No more guessing how much you need to book or how much to pay yourself. With this tool, you’ll become a more confident business owner and price yourself strategically.



This the exact tracker I use every quarter to make realistic booking goals and help me meet my yearly income goal every year!

The Booked Up Blueprint is your ticket to change your business forever.

It’s intentionally different from anything you’ve seen before because I want to help you book up your business using a strategy that works for your version of success. 

It’s allowed my past students to achieve incredible results:


"Our experience with this program has been nothing short of amazing! We got to interact with Becca weekly + daily, and she has been a huge support system in getting us from 1-2 inquiries/month to now 1-2 inquiries/week! and even had a week where we got 5 inquiries! This program has built our confidence in running our business while also having the flexibility of being parents and having time for our home life."
- Created Film Co


"Becca’s group coaching program was absolutely amazing. I try to do one a year and her’s was by far one of the best one I’ve ever done. Her modules were very clear, straightforward and super helpful. She gave me the confidence to increase my prices, give my clients a great experience, and I even had one week when I booked 5 weddings! The Booked Up Blueprint has really elevated our business and I am so grateful for it!"
-The Chase Collective


Becca's work speaks for itself but it’s her heart that makes it beautiful. She dug deep with me into areas of my business that I had neglected, and helped me build confidence, strategy and more heart in my business. There were times in the past that I wouldn’t book hardly anything, but after working with Becca I ended up having a 5 figure month and that’s because of her and the valuable things she taught me. If you’re even considering joining her coaching program or any workshops she holds, don’t hesitate. It’s absolutely worth it!
- B Creative Photo & Video

How good does all of this sound?

✔ Opening your gmail app and seeing a flood of dream inquiries each week 
✔ Nailing your consult calls and having the clients end the call with, “We definitely want to book with you!”
✔ Raise your prices in a way that feels good for YOU and YOUR family’s goals  
✔ Get time back in your personal life…because life is meant to be lived outside of your business too, right?!
✔ Create a dream business that fits into your version of success, not anyone else’s.

These are the things that will change your business, & ultimately your life.

When you implement everything inside The Booked Up Blueprint, you’re going to walk away with massive results like:

See the results for yourself 

Let’s take you out of hustle mode and instead help you book your dream weddings with confidence and ease. 

Downloading freebies, posting on Instagram everyday, and booking non-stop at a low price is a great way to get started, but it will eventually run you ragged. When you want your photography business to be profitable and sustainable, you need a more advanced strategy.

So, you can either:

Keep chugging along feeling worn out and second guessing how you should do things

You can create a big impact in your business + life while having support, building community, and growing that business you’ve dreamed of for years!


This program includes everything you need to book up your wedding calendar with dream clients.

It just comes down to you deciding if you want in.

Ready to book out your calendar with dream clients?

Hi, I’m becca

I created this coaching program because it’s what I needed when I was in your shoes. 

I’ve been through the phase of working late nights and a ton of weekends in hopes of being successful, only to end up feeling burnt out and overworked. 

I’ve tried everything and anything to see what sticks, only to realize the lack of strategy isn’t a strategy after all.

I’ve posted everyday on Instagram, danced in the reels, and engaged with others in the industry only to learn it’s not actually a sustainable way to get clients long-term.

But I learned the hard way so you don’t have to. 

I have the blueprint that works→ it books up my wedding calendar, increases my income, and still leaves me space to live a personal life too. AKA: THE DREAM!!!

I’ve been a wedding photographer for OVER 7 years

it's time to take your business to the next level. are you in?

Ready to build your dream business?

The booked up blueprint is for you if you: 

✔ Want a steady stream of inquiries and bookings each month
✔ Are tired of feeling like you’ll never reach your income goals
✔ Want to learn other ways to market yourself other than dancing on reels
✔ Want to build a community of other photographers who "get it"
✔ Want more free time in your personal life
✔ Are ready for massive results that are aligned with who you are and the goals for your business

The booked up blueprint is NOT the best fit for you right now if you:

✘ Are okay with being in the same spot this time next year
✘ Are not ready to do the work
✘ Are looking for a quick fix
✘ Can’t set aside 1-2 hours each week to watch the lessons and work on growing your business

I’ve got you covered.

You just gotta be willing to put in the work. Deal?

(and change your life?!)

Have a couple of questions before you join us inside? 

I’ve got you.

Let’s address the most common questions… 

 Think of it this way- you only need to book ONE wedding with a retainer fee to pay yourself back for the program. In return, you’ll learn how to consistently book weddings on repeat so you can make your investment back 100x over. Is that worth it to you?!


WHEN WILL THE PROGRAM START and when are the calls? +



i want to apply but i still have questions. how do I talk to you about them? +

The Booked Up Blueprint is here for you if you want to finally have to have a steady, profitable, and thriving business that fits into your version of success. 

It’s not a program just telling you to keep posting on instagram everyday. It’s a simplified, proven, and strategic blueprint for a successful wedding photography business that gives you time back in your personal life. 

If you’re ready for a consistently booked up business with your dream weddings then this is the answer you’ve been searching for!

It’s time to start making those dreams a reality because if not now, when?

what are you waiting for?
let's do this thing.

The business you've been dreaming about is waiting for you inside.

Join us inside The Booked Up Blueprint before the doors close!